What’s new...

This page will help keep you keep up to date...

This is a new feature of the site as of April 2024, from whence we begin.

Given there are already 450+ pages and 5000 images loaded thus far – this page will allow you to sight new material without having to dredge through the site.

So let the ‘What’s new’ page be the first notification of what’s new!

Also as of 04-24 there is a new free-to-view menu – Classic Pix – on which an increasing number of portrait studies or interesting historic photos I was either commissioned to take, or that have great photographic merit, be it landscape, context or history is being loaded.

Given the mess that is the TV landscape these days, and the difficulties in getting anything to air – we are concentrating on creating video content for this channel, and this photographic resource will contribute greatly to the end result.

We have a massive task ahead of us, years of work just to scan and host the photographic image bank, let alone create new video content, but I welcome any suggestions, criticisms or pointers as to where something isn’t working properly or could be better designed.

Keep an eye on this page as I will list new content, or changes to save you time.

I would welcome a history of any vehicle on these pages – as researching and writing editorial about each and every page is extremely time consuming. Email me and I will drop your text onto the page.

My main focus is getting the images on screen – filling in the history can come later…

The editor